Sha- Zen

Shashi Ramesh is a certified expressive arts therapy practitioner

Facilitated over hundreds of hours of group and individual sessions online through the 2 years of the lockdown, Shashi Ramesh has now made available to anyone and everyone to experience the joy of the expressive Arts therapy session Offline! This is a multimodal approach using dance, movement, painting, music, and drama. Sha Zen invites you to explore the safe space with Shashi Ramesh as the facilitator in Kohinoor City Mall. To participate in these sessions one needs to be willing to know themselves better and does not need the knowledge of any art form! Any of the modalities mentioned or all of them may be used in the sessions. One may get deep insights to become self-aware during the therapeutic process. This multi-pronged treatment plan can help heal and manage various behavioral, emotional, and mental health conditions in children and adults!

To seek counseling for the following conditions of the mind & Body.


Stress & Anxiety in Job/ Career/ Education/ Marriage/ Relationship issues.


Addictions- WhatsApp/ Instagram/ Facebook/ TV etc.


Attention- Deficit/ Lack of Focus in children.


Eating disorders and body image issues


Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation


Fears & phobias


Expressive Arts Therapy

Expressive therapies are the use of the creative arts as a form of therapy, including the distinct disciplines of expressive arts therapy and creative arts therapies. 


Music Therapy

We have certified music therapists on board at Liota. If you have migraine, Arthritis, Hypertension, or diabetes we can help you through with no medicine, no surgery options. It’s worth a try!


Zen counseling

Shashi Ramesh is a certified Zen counselor by Zen Counselling India.
Allow yourself to become self-aware!
Let the inner wisdom prevail!
Allow yourself to be ZEN!
For ANGER & CONTROL Issues try Zen counseling.